Covid-19 Information
I will be taking your temperature upon arrival.
There will be a consent form to complete regarding exposure to Covid-19.
If you are considered a high-risk client, it may not be possible to massage you at this time but feel free to discuss this with me.
Here is a link to find out more about high risk conditions:
If you are a first-time client, your initial consultation will take place via telephone or videoconferencing, rather than during your appointment in clinic.
If you are an existing client there may be a short update consultation, via telephone of videoconferencing, prior to your appointment to discuss your needs and any Covid-19 issues.
Any consultation or consent documents are to be signed when you attend your appointment. All pens and pencils will be disinfected after use but please feel free to bring your own pen or pencil.
All glasses will be washed at a high temperature after use but please feel free to bring your own water (if needed.)
If you have a face mask, please wear this on arrival (you do not have to wear this during your treatment, just in the public areas of my practice.)
It would also be helpful if you wear clothing which is easy to remove and avoid wearing jewellery.
Please call me (07857824556) when you have arrived outside and I will collect you at your appointment time.
Please only bring a chaperone or legal guardian if necessary.
All soft furnishings in my Therapy Room and waiting area will be disinfected after between visits and treatment furniture will be covered with couch roll.
When you enter the treatment room please remove your shoes.
The treatment room will have been thoroughly disinfected and all linen and face cradles replaced for each client. I will also be changing into a new apron for each client.
I will be wearing personal protective equipment which includes a mask, face shield, gloves and apron. Do not be concerned about the use of gloves, it will not affect your treatment. (This information may change as the situation regarding use of PPE is fluid).
To maximise your hands-on treatment time, I will be conducting pre-treatment consultations over the phone or video call the day before your appointment and offering post treatment selfcare and exercises if required via zoom or email 2 days post treatment.
When the massage is over, please leave all the linens, untouched on the couch and try not to touch anything as you leave. Please keep your mask on until you exit the premises.
Payment can be made prior to the appointment via BACS Transfer, if you prefer to pay with cash, please bring the correct money.
Please note appointments will be spaced further apart than usual to enable thorough cleaning of the practice space, therapy table, equipment, and facilities.
This is a lot of information to take in so if you have any worries or just want to talk it over, please call me and I we can chat about your concerns. All of this is necessary to let you know that you and I will be safe, and your massage, reflexology, facial or reiki experience can be enjoyable and relaxing.
I am really looking forward to welcoming you to Jules Emm Holistic Therapist.